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Conversation Courses A2 - C2

English Conversation B1
Mo. 02.09.2024 11:15

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, including some revision of grammar, then why not join us? The class offers students the opportunity to initiate and participate in conversations with the whole group, and to work together in smaller groups. In addition to the required Student’s book, the cost of which is not included in the course fee, additional course material will be provided by the teacher. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmer/-innen mit B1-Niveau 10 – 15 Teilnehmer/-innen English Vocabulary in Use, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate, Fourth Edition, ISBN 9-783125-410183 (Klett)

Kursnummer 436515
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 104,00
Dozent*in: Philip Levy
English Conversation B2 - C1
Di. 03.09.2024 10:00

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you work with a textbook, any additional material will be provided at a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will have to purchase this yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. 5 – 8 Teilnehmer/-innen

Kursnummer 436525
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 108,00
English Conversation B1 – B2
Di. 03.09.2024 18:15

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you work with a textbook, any additional material will be provided at a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will have to purchase this yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. 10 – 20 Teilnehmer/-innen Outcomes Intermediate. Split-Version: B

Kursnummer 436527
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 104,00
Dozent*in: Sabine Becker
English Conversation C1 – C2
Mi. 04.09.2024 09:00

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you work with a textbook, any additional material will be provided at a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will have to purchase this yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. 10 – 20 Teilnehmer/-innen Free resource material

Kursnummer 436815
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 104,00
Dozent*in: Christine Best
English Conversation B1 – B2
Do. 05.09.2024 09:15

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you work with a textbook, any additional material will be provided at a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will have to purchase this yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. 8 – 12 Teilnehmer/-innen In Conversation B2, 2nd edition, ISBN: 978-3-12-501559-3

Kursnummer 436526
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 96,00
Dozent*in: Christine Best
Intermezzo: wiederholen, aktivieren und kommunizieren auf dem B1-Niveau
Do. 05.09.2024 18:15

Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Teilnehmer/-innen, die das B1-Niveau anstreben und gezielt das Sprechen trainieren sowie die bereits erlernte Grammatik festigen möchten. Sie können den Kurs gut als Ergänzung zu den Grundstufenkursen auf B1-Niveau besuchen. Sie wiederholen und festigen bekannte grammatikalische Phänomene und sprachliche Fertigkeiten methodisch durch Partner- und Gruppenarbeit, Rollenspiele und Hörverständnisaufgaben. Die angegebenen Lehrwerke sind im Buchhandel erhältlich und nicht in den Kursgebühren enthalten. Zusätzliches Lehrmaterial erhalten Sie in vielen Sprachkursen als Kopie zum Selbstkostenpreis von der Kursleitung. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmer/-innen, die das B1-Niveau verfestigen möchten 10 – 20 Teilnehmer/-innen Let’s talk now B1 (Klett), ab L. 9

Kursnummer 433325
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 96,00
Englisch Auffrischung und Kommunikation A2.2
Fr. 06.09.2024 11:00

Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Teilnehmer/-innen, die Vorkenntnisse auf dem A2-Niveau auffrischen und dabei vor allem Ihre mündliche Kommunikationsfähigkeit verbessern möchten. Wir üben und festigen unsere sprachlichen Fertigkeiten durch den Austausch im Plenum, Partner- und Gruppenarbeit. Die angegebenen Lehrwerke sind im Buchhandel erhältlich und nicht in den Kursgebühren enthalten. Zusätzliches Lehrmaterial erhalten Sie in vielen Sprachkursen als Kopie zum Selbstkostenpreis von der Kursleitung. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmer/-innen, die das A2-Niveau verfestigen möchten 8 – 12 Teilnehmer/-innen Let’s Talk Now A2 (Klett), ab L. 4

Kursnummer 435127
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 96,00
English Conversation B1 – B2
Do. 19.09.2024 19:45

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you work with a textbook, any additional material will be provided at a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will have to purchase this yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. 5 – 8 Teilnehmer/-innen Free resource material

Kursnummer 436528
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 132,00
English Literature and Conversation (B2+/C1)
Do. 26.09.2024 11:00

Are you interested in literature? Would you like to expand your English knowledge while enjoying a wide range of literary texts? This course is planned as a guided Book Club; we will read, enjoy and discuss different short stories or a novel by contemporary authors. Each session will allow you to improve your current language knowledge, while providing you with the necessary tools to actively take part in our roundtable and related discussions in class. We will also explore language and its use as a cultural expression, allowing us to be able to move away from grammar rules and structures to simply enjoy literature. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmer/-innen mit guten B2-Niveau oder höherem Niveau. 8 Teilnehmer/-innen

Kursnummer 436625
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 108,00
English Conversation B1 – B2
Di. 14.01.2025 18:15

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you are working with a textbook, any additional material will be provided for a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will need to purchase it yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. 10 – 18 Teilnehmer*innen kein Unterricht am : 04.02., 11.02., 18.02.25

Kursnummer 436512
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 144,00
Dozent*in: Sabine Becker
English Conversation B1
Mo. 20.01.2025 11:15

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, including some revision of grammar, then why not join us? The class offers students the opportunity to initiate and participate in conversations with the whole group, and to work together in smaller groups. In addition to the required Student's book, the cost of which is not included in the course fee, additional course material will be provided by the teacher. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmende mit B1-Niveau 10 – 15 Teilnehmer*innen English Vocabulary in Use, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate, Fourth Edition, ISBN 9-783125-410183 (Klett)

Kursnummer 436411
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 144,00
Dozent*in: Philip Levy
English Conversation B1 – B2
Mo. 20.01.2025 18:00

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you are working with a textbook, any additional material will be provided for a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will need to purchase it yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmende mit mindestens Niveau B1, oder Niveau B2 8– 12 Teilnehmer*innen Free resource material

Kursnummer 436510
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 162,00
Improve your English with Improvisational Theater
Mo. 20.01.2025 18:15

Haben Sie Lust, Ihre bestehenden Englischkenntnisse kreativ und spielerisch einzusetzen und zu verbessern und dabei Improvisationstheater kennenzulernen und auszuprobieren? In diesem Kurs arbeiten wir auf Englisch. Wir erlernen die Grundlagen des Impro-Theaters und werden Kurzformen des Impro-Spiels gemeinsam ausprobieren. Durch Aufwärmspiele schaffen wir zunächst einen Safe Space, in dem wir lernen, dass "Fehler" positiv für den kreativen Prozess sind. Wir beschäftigen uns mit der wichtigen Regel des Annehmens im Impro-Theater: Damit das gemeinsame Improvisieren gelingen kann, ist es wichtig, die Impulse der Mitspielenden als Geschenke zu verstehen und diese zu integrieren. Natürlich beschränkt sich unsere Kommunikation nicht nur auf das gesprochene Wort und so werden wir uns auch mit paralinguistischen Strategien wie Pantomime, Emotionen, Stimme und Körperlichkeit beschäftigen. Der Kurs ist offen für alle Teilnehmenden mit Englischkenntnissen auf mindestens B1-Niveau. Vorkenntnisse im Improvisationstheater sind nicht erforderlich. Wir freuen uns auf alle, die neugierig, zugewandt und kreativ von und miteinander lernen möchten.

Kursnummer 430306
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 153,00
Dozent*in: Janus Bühl
English Conversation B2 – C1
Mo. 20.01.2025 18:15

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you work with a textbook, any additional material will be provided at a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will have to purchase this yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmende mit gutem B2- oder C1-Niveau 10 – 15 Teilnehmer*innen English Vocabulary in Use, Upper-Intermediate, Fourth Edition, ISBN 978-3-12-541021-3 (Klett)

Kursnummer 436711
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 144,00
Dozent*in: Philip Levy
English Conversation B1
Mo. 20.01.2025 20:00

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you are working with a textbook, any additional material will be provided for a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will need to purchase it yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmende mit B1-Niveau 8 – 12 Teilnehmer*innen Das Lehrwerk wird am ersten Unterrichtstag bekannt gegeben.

Kursnummer 436413
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 162,00
Dozent*in: R. Owen Arling
English Conversation B2 – C1
Di. 21.01.2025 10:00

f you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you are working with a textbook, any additional material will be provided for a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will need to purchase it yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmende mit gutem B2-Niveau oder C1-Niveau. 8 – 10 Teilnehmer*innen Free resource material

Kursnummer 436710
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 162,00
English Conversation C1 – C2
Mi. 22.01.2025 09:00

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you are working with a textbook, any additional material will be provided for a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will need to purchase it yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. 10 – 20 Teilnehmer*innen Free resource material

Kursnummer 436811
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 152,00
Dozent*in: Christine Best
English Conversation B2
Mi. 22.01.2025 11:15

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you work with a textbook, any additional material will be provided at a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will have to purchase this yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmende mit B2-Niveau 8 – 12 Teilnehmer*innen Headway Upper-Intermediate, 5th edition (Oxford University Press, ISBN: 978-0-19-453969-2)

Kursnummer 436610
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 171,00
Dozent*in: Philip Levy
English Conversation B1 – B2
Mi. 22.01.2025 14:30

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you work with a textbook, any additional material will be provided at a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will have to purchase this yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. 8 – 12 Teilnehmer*innen Headway Intermediate, 5th edition (Oxford University Press, ISBN: 978-0-19-452915-0)

Kursnummer 436514
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 171,00
Dozent*in: Philip Levy
Travel the World with English – Conversation, Culture and Fun (B2+/C1) Online
Mi. 22.01.2025 18:15

Would you like to take your English skills to a new level and have fun at the same time? Then this course is just right for you! English is a global language that is spoken in many different countries, not only by native speakers but also as official language or simply as the language to find a common ground of communication. This varied course gives you the opportunity to improve your speaking skills in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Through interactive exercises and exciting discussions, we will work together on our speaking and listening skills. Topics from everyday life, current events and cultural aspects are the focus of our discussions. In this way, you not only improve your active language skills, but you also learn the background and nuances that make speaking come alive. Let's learn together, laugh and discover the English language in all its facets thus exploring the world. Your teacher, Patricia, comes from the northern part of England, but has travelled the world. She has worked on different continents and loves to explore. She is looking forward everyone who is curious to learn from and with others and their experiences. 5 – 9 Teilnehmende In der Zeit vom 09.04. – 21.05. findet kein Unterricht statt.

Kursnummer 436611
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 192,00
English Conversation B1 – B2
Do. 23.01.2025 09:15

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you are working with a textbook, any additional material will be provided for a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will need to purchase it yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. 8 – 12 Teilnehmer*innen In Conversation B2, 2nd edition, ISBN: 978-3-12-501559-3

Kursnummer 436511
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 136,00
Dozent*in: Christine Best
English Conversation B1
Do. 23.01.2025 11:00

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, including some revision of grammar, then why not join us? The class offers students the opportunity to initiate and participate in conversations with the whole group, and to work together in smaller groups. In addition to the required Student's book, the cost of which is not included in the course fee, additional course material will be provided by the teacher. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmende mit B1-Niveau 8 – 12 Teilnehmer*innen English Vocabulary in Use, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate, Fourth Edition, ISBN 9-783125-410183 (Klett)

Kursnummer 436412
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 153,00
Dozent*in: Philip Levy
English Literature and Conversation (B2+/C1)
Do. 23.01.2025 11:00

Are you interested in literature? Would you like to improve your English while enjoying a wide range of literary texts? This course is designed as a guided book club; we will read, enjoy and discuss various short stories or a novel by contemporary authors. Each session will allow you to improve your current language skills, while giving you the tools to actively participate in our roundtable discussions and related class discussions. We will also explore language and its use as a cultural expression, allowing us to move away from grammatical rules and structures to simply enjoy literature. Semester course for students with a good B2 level or higher. 8 Teilnehmer*innen

Kursnummer 436721
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 153,00
English Conversation C1
Do. 23.01.2025 18:15

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you are working with a textbook, any additional material will be provided for a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will need to purchase it yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmende mit C1-Niveau 5 – 8 Teilnehmer*innen

Kursnummer 436810
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 204,00
Dozent*in: R. Owen Arling
English Conversation B1 – B2
Do. 23.01.2025 19:45

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you are working with a textbook, any additional material will be provided for a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will need to purchase it yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. 5 – 9 Teilnehmer*innen Free resource material

Kursnummer 436513
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 204,00
English Conversation C2
Do. 23.01.2025 20:00

If you are interested in discussing current affairs, literature and a multitude of different subjects in English, then why not join us? Revision of grammar and additional course material will be decided upon together. Whether or not you are working with a textbook, any additional material will be provided for a small fee to be paid directly to the teacher. If a textbook is specified in the course description, please note that you will need to purchase it yourself. Please choose your level according to your previous knowledge. If you are in doubt please contact our Sprachberatung whose dates and times you can find on our homepage. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmende mit C2-Niveau 5 – 8 Teilnehmer*innen Das Lehrwerk wird am ersten Unterrichtstag bekannt gegeben.

Kursnummer 436911
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 204,00
Dozent*in: R. Owen Arling
Let’s Talk Now – Auffrischung und Kommunikation A2
Fr. 24.01.2025 09:15

Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Teilnehmende, die Vorkenntnisse auf dem A2-Niveau auffrischen und dabei vor allem Ihre mündliche Kommunikationsfähigkeit verbessern möchten. Wir üben und festigen unsere sprachlichen Fertigkeiten durch den Austausch im Plenum, Partner- und Gruppenarbeit. Die angegebenen Lehrwerke sind im Buchhandel erhältlich und nicht in den Kursgebühren enthalten. Zusätzliches Lehrmaterial erhalten Sie in vielen Sprachkursen als Kopie zum Selbstkostenpreis von der Kursleitung. Semesterkurs für Teilnehmende, die das A2-Niveau festigen möchten 8 – 12 Teilnehmer*innen Let’s Talk Now A2 (Klett), ab L. 1

Kursnummer 436401
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 171,00
Workshop: Improve your English with Improvisational Theater
Sa. 15.02.2025 10:30

Haben Sie Lust, Ihre bestehenden Englisch-Kenntnisse kreativ und spielerisch einzusetzen und zu verbessern und dabei Impro-Theater kennenzulernen und auszuprobieren? In unserem Impro-Englisch-Workshop erhalten Sie einen Einstieg in das Impro-Theater auf Englisch. Im ersten Teil lernen wir zunächst schrittweise die Grundlagen des Impro-Theaters. Im zweiten Teil werden wir dann gemeinsam Kurzformen des Impro-Spiels ausprobieren. Durch Aufwärmspiele schaffen wir zunächst einen Safe Space, in dem wir lernen, dass "Fehler" für den kreativen Prozess positiv sind. Wir beschäftigen uns mit der wichtigen Regel des Akzeptierens im Impro-Theater: Damit das gemeinsame Improvisieren gelingen kann, ist es wichtig, die Impulse der Mitspielenden als Geschenke zu verstehen und diese zu integrieren. Natürlich beschränkt sich unsere Kommunikation nicht nur auf das gesprochene Wort und so werden wir auch auf paralinguistische Strategien, wie Pantomime, Emotionen, Stimme und Körperlichkeit, eingehen. Der Workshop findet in englischer Sprache statt und ist offen für alle Teilnehmende mit Englisch-Vorkenntnissen auf mindestens B1-Niveau. Vorkenntnisse des Impro-Theaters sind nicht erforderlich. Wir freuen uns auf alle, die neugierig, zugewandt und kreativ von- und miteinander lernen möchten.

Kursnummer 430305
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 30,00
Dozent*in: Janus Bühl
21.11.24 13:49:26